Regenera Activa for Hair Loss

Regenera Activa

During the past years, several therapeutic methods have emerged to treat hair loss problems based on the method of regeneration of tissues and stimulation and repair of follicle damage, the most recent of which is Regenera Activa technology. Regenera technology relies on the source of its cells on hair-generating cells of follicles, unlike other techniques whose source of cells depends on platelets of blood.

Hair loss is one of the real-life experiences that everyone usually goes through at some point in their lives. Finding a large mass of hair falling out in the shower or in the hairbrush is one of the most common problems, as hair loss affects about 70% of men and 40% of women.
The causes of hair loss are many, as hair can be lost through stress, illness, psychological stress, genes, etc. Regardless of the causes, the problem of hair loss is a direct result of the poor health of the hair follicles.

What do we know about hair follicles?

Hair follicles are one of the most interesting organs in the body because of their ability to self-renew periodically. The follicles contain stem cells that can be activated or inhibited, although the hair follicles may gradually lose and the stem cells enter a stage of dormancy in which the ability to regenerate is reduced.

This process is greatly influenced by the genetic factor and other internal and external factors that affect the behavior of hair follicle stem cells while going through the stages of hair development (hair cycle) resulting in failure of hair regeneration and hair loss.

How can stem cells and hair follicles be stimulated?

Stem cell therapy and platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy are important issues in regenerative medicine for their key role in stimulating the growth of new hair follicles and strengthening and nourishing weak hair follicles.

Many promising modern researches have reached several methods and techniques capable of stimulating cells that have been developed rapidly during the past five years, the most prominent of which is the Rignera technology.

What is Regenera?

Regenera is a revolutionary hair loss treatment using natural regeneration mechanisms. It relies mainly on microscopic injection of hair growth-stimulating stem cells and increasing hair density in areas where hair is thinning or prone to shedding. Regenera works on the principle of self-repair of hair as the cells that are injected into the scalp are taken from the hair follicles themselves. Regenera Activa is a microscopic injection technique that uses a patented specialized tool to deliver stem cells to target areas and begin the process of repairing damaged tissue.

Regenera Effects:

  • Stimulate the growth of new hair follicles.
  • Increase hair density.
  • Hair loss prevention
  • Refurbishment

Advantages of Regenera Activa

Regenera treatment has a lot of benefits, which makes this treatment more effective and safe.

  • Reduces scalp inflammation.
  • The procedure is done in approximately 60 minutes.
  • Safe and FDA approved.
  • It is done in one session without pain or surgery.
  • Fast results in a few weeks.
  • Suitable for men and women and its long-lasting results.
  • Self-injection Zero risks of allergic reactions to the body.
  • You do not need a recovery period and can return to normal life on the same day.
  • The safest technique is using stem cells from the patient’s own body.
  • It is a fast and effective technique that involves rapid preparation and normal tissue disintegration.

Regenera Injection Preparation Method

  • Step 1: The topical anesthetic is injected into the area of the scalp from which the follicles will be taken, which is from the scalp behind the ear, as it is characterized by the scarcity of diseases and hair problems, especially male alopecia. Three to four small specimens (2.5 mm diameter) are then drawn without pain.
  • Step 2: The follicles are placed with the skin and the surrounding fat in the Regenera device for minutes, where microscopic stem cells and growth factors are extracted from them, which are the cells responsible for stimulating hair growth and reducing hair loss due to their ability to divide and regenerate. The extracted solution contains hundreds and thousands of these substances in preparation for re-injection in the targeted areas.
  • Step 3: The fluid extracted from the follicles is injected into light hair areas under local anesthesia, making the entire procedure painless.

Session Duration for Stem Cell Injection

The three steps we have mentioned require a maximum of 20 to 30 minutes. You can return to your normal life immediately after the Regenera session, there is no need for any rest or recovery period.
It is noteworthy that these injections are given once a year, and can be done again every year or two years, depending on the case.

Number of Regenera Sessions

The number of sessions varies depending on the case and in most cases only one session is conducted and can be returned when needed after three or five years , and in some advanced cases a session may be conducted every year depending on the amount of  damage suffered by the scalp.

When to use Regenera

“Prevention is better than cure” It is important to start treatment when you notice abnormal hair loss and thinning, and normal hair loss is 100-50 hairs per day. Hair loss must also be treated in various ways, whether medicines or supplements and other treatments to combat hair loss and regrowth, regardless of the level of hair loss, after conducting the necessary analyzes to find out the cause of hair loss and adhering to the treatment plan under the supervision of a specialized doctor.

Regenera is effective in cases of mild and moderate hair loss, while it is not used in cases of severe and advanced hair loss, the dermatologist will conduct a thorough evaluation and determine the appropriate procedure.

how long does it take to see results?

Within four to six weeks, the results of the regenera injection begin to appear, as hair loss decreases and the follicles begin to grow again. Within three months of the injection, hair loss is expected to stop permanently and increase significantly. The results are much better after six months, because the hair growth cycle takes some time to be complete, and the results can continue to improve for up to two years.

Candidates for the Regenera procedure

It is a suitable technique for men and women alike, especially those who do not wish to undergo surgery and a long recovery period or high material costs. It is suitable for all cases of genetic hair loss other than cases of complete baldness, with the aim of germinating weak follicles, increasing the period of hair growth, increasing hair thickness and reducing hair loss. It is not suitable for cases of alopecia, psoriasis, inflammatory diseases, hair fungus, folliculitis, as well as traumatic telogen effluvium.

It is worth mentioning that it is one of the techniques and sessions that are not suitable for women during pregnancy but are safe for the mother and child during the lactation period. Before starting the sessions, it is necessary to consult the doctor to discuss the medical history, examine the area to be treated, and talk with the doctor about the expected results after the session, as the results and the rate of improvement vary from person to person, and the benefit is greater when starting treatment early in the diagnosis of hereditary hair loss.

Recommendations after the session

Regenera technique does not require a recovery period or special conditions after the procedure but it is recommended to do a gentle massage of the scalp, not to wash the scalp during the first four to six hours after the injection and to wash the scalp with water only during the first day and without using shampoo.

It is also recommended not to use public pools and saunas for only a week, to avoid excessive exposure to sunlight on the scalp, to avoid strenuous physical exertion for three days after the procedure, and to pay attention to nutritious foods for the scalp and hair health such as berries, spinach, sweet potatoes, nuts, avocados, sweet peppers and soybeans.

Regenera injection safety

This technology is approved by the US Food and Drug Agency (FDA Approved), and all the necessary tests have been conducted to ensure that it is completely safe. So you can be completely reassured on this level!

The right place for regenera injections

To benefit from this technology, always choose a reliable medical beauty clinic to book your session. A doctor who specializes in this field is your reference to diagnose the condition and determine the suitability of the injections for you.

How is Regenera different from hair transplantation?

Regenera is a non-surgical procedure, unlike hair transplantation, which relies on surgical intervention and transplantation of hair follicles. It is also characterized by rapid recovery, no need to stop working, no need for stitches and return to normal life directly.

Combining Regenera with Other Approved Hair Loss Methods

If you are currently adopting any other method to combat hair loss and stimulate hair growth such as medical supplements, topical preparations and even more advanced techniques such as hair transplantation, you may be wondering if you can combine it with Regenera technology.

In fact, the combination of Regenera technology with other hair treatments enhances the desired results. By way of example:

  • Using plasma injections to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp and strengthen and stabilize hair follicles.
  • Use hair growth supplements.
  • Use treatments that regulate the hormone that causes hair loss, such as finasteride.
  • The use of home hair germination laser, which has been scientifically proven to reactivate follicle cells, intensify hair and reduce hair loss .
  • Regenera technology also enhances and  complements hair transplant operations in terms of its effectiveness by strengthening the hair roots and follicles and stimulating blood circulation in the scalp for the best results.

Difference Between Regnera and Plasma Injection (RPR)

Regenera technology has proven its superiority over blood plasma technology in the results as regenera technology has the ability to produce new hair follicles while blood plasma technology activates living cells and blood circulation in the scalp.

Regenera is a solution injection containing stem cells and growth factors, while blood plasma is injected with growth factors and a high concentration of platelets.

In most cases, the regenera is performed in only one session and the results begin to appear within the first month after the session, while the plasma technique is usually performed in several sessions to maintain the results.

It is worth mentioning that the use of blood plasma technology in conjunction with regenera technology gives truly impressive and more effective results. 

What is the difference between stem cells and platelets and which one is better?

Stem cells: They are basic building cells that have a unique ability to divide and develop as specialized cells in the body according to the region in which they are located, which makes them able to promote the construction of new cells and work to self-repair the damaged cells.

Stem cells are extracted in most cases previously from fat and bone marrow in the body. Recently, research has found the presence of stem cells in the hair follicles themselves, which helped to extract them with the Regenera technique and re-inject them into the scalp.

Platelets: Platelet-rich plasma is a high concentration of platelets that are taken from the patient’s blood and not from fat or hair follicles and is a very rich source of many specialized proteins that contain growth factors, making them effective in promoting hair growth.

Which one is better?

Each individual is affected by many factors surrounding him in particular, it is affected by the environment, habits, work and other factors, and therefore each patient has his own treatment plan depending on the case. However, many researches have proven that stem cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma together are more effective for many cases that suffer from hair loss, especially at the beginning of their stages.


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