Exosomes skin injections

Exosomes skin injections

Exosomes skin injections are one of the latest promising biological technologies in the field of regenerative medicine for renewing the youthfulness and vitality of the skin, as well as treating skin problems such as wounds, burns, acne, scars, pigmentation, and atopic dermatitis, in addition to treating problems of weak and falling hair follicles.

Exosomes are characterized by their ability to stimulate collagen production in the treated areas up to six times. They also increase elastin by up to 300%, which increases the youthfulness of skin cells, reduces the effects of aging, helps moisturize the skin, and increases its elasticity.

What are Exosomes?

Exosomes are small vesicles with a size of 30-150 nanometers that are produced by all living stem cells. They contain vital compounds such as lipids, proteins, nucleic acids and growth factors. Exosomes act as messengers between cells and transfer active biomolecules to target cells with the aim of repairing tissues and improving skin cells. They have many vital functions.

Exosomes were first identified through a study conducted by Bin–Tao Pan and Rose M. Johnstone. They found that when reticulocytes (immature red blood cells) mature, small vesicles containing cell waste are released outside the cell by fusing with the cell membrane. After several years of study, they were named (Exosomes).

The main vital function of Exosomes is to communicate between living cells in the body, opening up new scientific avenues in the field of regenerative medicine.

What are the sources of Exosomes?

The sources of Exosomes are classified into two types:
Natural sources, which are derived from living organisms such as animals, plants, and humans. They are extracted from genetic stem cells, which are entirely new cells with immense rejuvenation capabilities.
Manufactured sources, which are produced by biotechnology companies that ensure the production of pure Exosomes. They are used in the form of injections or topical treatments.

Exosomes can be injected subcutaneously or used topically on the skin after laser sessions and micro-needle injection techniques.

Advantages of Exosome Injections:

Exosomes are widely used for facial rejuvenation and have been proven effective through numerous scientific studies and research. The benefits of using Exosomes include:

  • Direct stimulation of targeted cells.
  • Reduced immune rejection due to the absence of live cells.
  • Ability to form blood vessels.
  • Stimulation of collagen and elastin production.
  • Treatment and regulation of skin inflammation.
  • Immune properties that help protect cells from bacteria and viruses.
  • Quick return to normal life after the procedure.
  • Contains over 300 growth factors with hyaluronic acid.
  • Approved by the US FDA.

What are the cosmetic uses of Exosomes?

  • Treatment of enlarged pores.
  • Treatment of pigmentation and scarring.
  • Treatment of redness and skin irritation.
  • Improvement of skin color and elasticity.
  • Treatment of burns, wounds and acne scars.
  • Renewed and healthier-looking skin.
  • Improvement of natural skin metabolism.
  • Treatment of skin laxity and sun damage.
  • Delaying the appearance of skin aging and reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Acceleration of self-healing of acne, wounds and burns.
  • Used for hair growth stimulation, treating hair loss and stabilizing hair follicles.

The Role of Exosomes in Skin Treatment:

Exosomes play an important role in cellular communication and delivering nutrients to damaged cells. It is a new therapeutic strategy in regenerative medicine that targets only the damaged skin cells without harming healthy cells. Exosomes naturally attract to areas of inflammation and damaged tissue, carrying growth factors, anti-inflammatory agents, antioxidants and more.

Exosomes work by stimulating inactive skin cells to repair and strengthen the skin and renew its youthfulness. They increase the production of collagen and elastin which also helps to improve wound healing, reduce burns and minimize pigmentation.

Exosomes for skin aging treatment

Exosomes are a major player in the treatment of skin aging and the renewal of damaged cells by transferring signals from healthy cells to damaged ones, thus, accelerating the process of skin cell renewal and delaying signs of aging. They also moisturize the skin and restore its natural moisture balance and increase the ability of subcutaneous fats to resist aging.

Exosomes help fight skin aging and renew the youthfulness of the skin through several key factors, including:

Blood vessel formation

As we age, many changes occur in the skin, such as a decrease in collagen levels and a lack of regulation of the network of blood vessels, leading to a decrease in blood vessels in the skin tissues where blood flow to the skin decreases by 40% between the ages of 20 and 70. Blood vessels are a vital element for skin health as they supply skin cells with the necessary nutrients to maintain their activities. Exosomes help protect blood vessels and capillaries, and promote the formation of new blood vessels in the skin, as well as regulating their formation, which helps to extend the skin with oxygen-rich blood and nutrients in addition to removing carbon dioxide and harmful substances from the skin.

Collagen stimulation

Exosomes increase the stimulation of collagen and elastin production and improve their quality, helping skin cells renew and repair themselves and strengthen their tissues for smoother and more youthful skin. The lack of collagen is one of the main causes of skin aging and thinning.

Despite the amazing results of Exosomes, deep wrinkles and severe and advanced sagging cannot be eliminated and may require surgical intervention.

Exosomes for Acne Treatment

Exosomes are a promising technology in the treatment of acne due to their strong anti-inflammatory properties. In a study, patients with acne experienced a significant reduction in inflamed acne lesions within 15-30 days of topical application of Exosomes.

Exosomes for wound healing

Exosomes help accelerate wound healing by promoting the formation of blood vessels in the wound and renewing the damaged skin layers. They contain several active factors related to blood vessel formation and stimulate the production of repair factors such as collagen and elastin.

Exosomes for burn treatment

Exosomes help shorten the healing time of burns, reducing the appearance of scars and excessive tissue scarring. Exosomes accelerate the self-healing process of the skin and act as a mediator for the dynamic regulation of various burn healing stages. This is achieved by promoting the proliferation of new cells, regulating collagen production, accelerating blood vessel formation and preventing cell proliferation to prevent scar formation.

Exosomes for scar reduction

Exosomes effectively prevent the activation of fibroblasts and reduce collagen deposition. They also play an important role in positively regulating the distribution and spread of new cells during the healing process. During skin repair, excessive production of fibroblasts and collagen can lead to the formation of prominent scars.

The ideal time to start Exosome treatments

The appropriate time to start Exosome treatments varies depending on the purpose of use. It is recommended to start using Exosome technology early for skin rejuvenation and delaying signs of aging, at the beginning of the 20s or when the first signs of skin aging appear. It is also recommended to start using Exosomes early for the treatment of hair loss and wound healing to accelerate the healing process.

The appropriate time for treating scars, pigmentation and acne is determined by the doctor according to the condition.

The difference between Exosomes, Platelet-Rich Plasma(PRP), and Stem Cells

Both plasma and Exosomes help renew the skin and accelerate wound healing by stimulating collagen production, blood vessel and capillary formation and building new cells. However, plasma is affected by several factors, including the patient’s age and health status, as well as the quality of the techniques used to separate plasma from blood. It also contains fewer growth factors compared to Exosomes, which contain 10 to 100 times more growth factors than PRP. Additionally, Exosomes are extracted from genetically modified stem cells and do not require a blood sample from the patient and processing as is the case with platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Exosomes contain approximately three times the amount of growth factors compared to stem cells, making them more effective in restoring and activating targeted cells.

Combining Exosomes with other treatments

We can use Exosome injections with many cosmetic techniques to achieve faster and more effective results, as Exosomes can accelerate the self-healing process after cosmetic procedures by 50-60%. Some of the treatments that can be combined with Exosome therapy include:

  • Chemical peels.
  • Laser resurfacing using Fraxel and Fractional Laser technology.
  • Microneedling techniques such as Scarlet, Secret and Morpheus 8.
  • Radiofrequency waves such as the American Total Thermage technique.

Microneedling techniques are one of the most effective techniques that help penetrate Exosomes into the deep layers of the skin through the micro-injuries caused by precise injections, helping the skin rebuild itself in a healthy and natural way from the inside out.

Frequently Asked Questions

When do results appear?

Results appear gradually and quickly from the first session and become more prominent after a month of the procedure. Results continue to appear for several months after completing the treatment plan and may continue to appear for up to 24 months.

Is Exosome injection painful?

There is no pain at all as local anesthesia cream is used in addition to the use of very fine needles to ensure a comfortable treatment experience.

Can Exosome injections cause bruising?

Yes, it is known that any injection procedure may cause bruising, so the patient should expect some bruising, which is usually very mild and can be treated using PDL technology.

Can Exosomes be used with fillers?

Yes, there are no obstacles to using it in the case of filler injections. However, it is recommended to wait for at least a month before injecting fillers or Botox again.

Can Exosome injections be used around the eyes?

Yes, it can be safely used around the eyes to improve wrinkles, treat dark circles as well as tighten and revitalize the area.

What is the safe duration for repeating Exosome injections?

The best period between treatments is between 6 months to a year.

What are the areas that are treated with Exosomes?

They are safe injections and can be used on all areas of the body to improve the skin and accelerate the healing process.

Can Exosomes be used for pregnant and breastfeeding women?

There are no studies on the application of injections for pregnant and breastfeeding women. It is always recommended to postpone cosmetic procedures until after childbirth and the end of the breastfeeding period to ensure no infection or impact on fetal growth.

What are the contraindications for using Exosomes?

  • Presence of an active dermatological disease in the injection site.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  • Suffering from cancer or receiving chemotherapy.
  • Allergy to the injected substance.

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