EMTONE | Cellulite and Fat Removal Treatment

EMTONE | Cellulite and Fat Removal Treatment

EMTONE is the first and only cellulite technology that combines thermal frequencies ( RF ) and electromagnetic pulses ( HIFES ).It aims to treat the causes of cellulite and sagging skin that appear with age without the need for surgical intervention.

Many people suffer from the appearance of cellulite, which is caused by many factors such as aging, skin loss of softness as a result of the loss of collagen and elastin proteins, the accumulation of fat under the skin, as well as the tightening of connective ligaments under the skin and the retention of fluids and salts under the skin.

How Emtone Works

Emtone technology is based on combining thermal radio waves ( RF ) with high intensity electromagnetic stimulation frequencies ( HIFES ). Thermal waves ( RF ) raise temperatures in the area under treatment, which in turn prepares the muscles for exposure to muscular strain similar to the warm-up process, which provides protection for the muscles from exposure to contractions or muscle spasms. In addition, heat waves burn fat cells under the skin by heating water molecules in fat cells. This damages the fat cells that cause cellulite to appear beneath the skin, and then the body naturally gets rid of the damaged cells.

High intensity electromagnetic stimulation waves (HIFES) stimulate muscles to continuously contract. This accelerates the process of cell and muscle tissue growth and the production of collagen and elastin proteins. The continuous contraction of the muscles stimulates blood flow and improves the blood circulation of the skin in the treated area. This contributes to the elimination of fluid and salts accumulated under the skin. 

How many treatments?

The number of treatment sessions varies from person to person depending on the size and number of cellulite and the nature of the patient’s response to treatment sessions. Doctors usually recommend 4 to 6 treatment sessions, with each session separated by a week. This is to give your skin enough time to naturally build collagen protein and elastic tissue.

Doctors recommend a full course of 4 sessions each year. This is to maintain the results obtained continuously and ensure that cellulite and wrinkles do not return to the skin and to get a younger skin free of cellulite and sagging.

Duration of the treatment session

The treatment session does not take much time as the treating doctor needs only 20-30 minutes to complete the treatment session and then the patient can return to normal activities.

How the treatment process works

The therapist cleans and dries the treated area, and then places the Emtone device on the treated area where the simultaneous emission of heat waves ( RF ) with high intensity stimulation waves (HIFES) increases the growth of collagen protein by up to 59% and increases the growth of elastin protein by 64% in addition to increasing the elastic tissue in the skin and increasing the thickness of the dermis layer to 44%, which leads to raising the level of the skin, tightening the muscles, getting rid of cellulite, tightening and removing sagging.

Advantages of Emtone Therapy

  • Holds a quality certificate and accreditation from the US Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ).
  • Emtone is one of the first specialized technologies in cellulite treatment, which combines heat waves ( RF ) and high intensity electromagnetic waves ( HIFES ).
  • it is used in the treatment of cellulite in various areas of its appearance, including the abdomen, arms, front of the thighs, inside the thighs and buttocks.
  • Emtone stands out from other techniques by being free of needles and resulting bruises.
  • It is a safe non-surgical technique, as it avoids many of the risks that may occur when resorting to plastic surgeries.
  • The patient does not need a recovery period after the treatment session, and the patient can return to his activities directly.
  • EMTONE is based on the creation of natural results and is free from the addition of any materials.
  • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and gives the patient smoother and firmer skin.
  • The technique is safe for all skin types, and can be used to treat cellulite everywhere it appears.

Top Candidates for Emtone Treatment

People can use EMTONE at different ages. However, people between the ages of 30 and 55 are the most likely to benefit from therapy sessions. Skin begins to lose elastic proteins and fibers in this age group significantly. Thus, muscle sagging and the process of the appearance of cellulite begin to occur, in addition to the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and the patient needs treatment sessions to restore his youth and to get a more harmonious and beautiful body.

People who are not candidates for Emtone therapy

  • Doctors recommend not to undergo the treatment technique for patients who have sheet metal in the areas under treatment. This is due to the interference between electromagnetic waves and metal, which will cause pain to the patient.
  • People with certain skin conditions such as eczema and other diseases can undergo treatment after they have recovered from the infection.
  • People with skin burns or sunburns in the area being treated.

When do results begin to show

The results usually begin to appear after the completion of the first treatment sessions where the patient will feel the tightening of the skin in the treated area and the results continue to improve exponentially throughout the treatment period, which lasts for 3 months after the completion of the last session where the patient gets the final results of treatment.

How to prepare for the therapy session?

  • Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. Water molecules allow energy waves to travel easily, which affects the skin tightening process.
  • Avoid taking anti-inflammatories for 3 days before your treatment session.
  • Avoid sunbathing before the treatment session to avoid skin burns.

How does the patient feel during the treatment session?

Once the Emtone is turned on, the patient feels the warmth and heat generated by the radiofrequency ( RF ) with light pulses and some muscle contractions, which are similar to the feeling of massage of the area under treatment without feeling pain.

After EMTONE session

The patient usually feels tightness in the skin as it becomes more durable and lifted upward. In addition, the skin acquires a red color as a result of exposure to heat, which quickly returns to its normal color several minutes after the end of the treatment session.

What is the difference between Emtone and Emsculpt Neo?

Each of the two techniques is performed for the body but the use of each is different, as Emtone works on the skin to treat and improve cellulite and tighten skin sagging, while Emsculpt Neo works on the muscles by stimulating the target muscles to perform 20,000 exercises within 30 minutes.

Can Emtone be combined with other therapeutic techniques?

Yes, Emtone technology can be combined with other therapeutic techniques within a holistic treatment plan proposed by the doctor and according to the results you want to obtain, as it can be combined with Emsculpt Neo to get rid of cellulite and get tight skin and stronger and more specific muscles, or with a micronidling device like Morpheus8  to tighten sagging and get rid of signs of aging and aging, and other therapeutic devices and techniques.

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