Those people looking to enhance the appearance of their hands would represent an ideal candidate for hand rejuvenation treatments. Although reasons vary from person to person, the more common include:
Enhancing appearance and boosting self-confidence.
Becoming less self-conscious about appearance.
Achieving smoother looking skin.
Regaining a more youthful look.
Before After
However, the prospective patient must also be aware that cosmetic surgery is designed for improvement, not perfection. Patients should have realistic goals and expectations for their hand rejuvenation treatment. Be sure to discuss your reasons for wanting to undergo this operation with the doctor during your consultation visit. This will also help determine your candidacy for the procedure.
There are various types of hand rejuvenation treatments. All of these options possess their own set of risks, benefits, costs, and techniques. The more common include:
Chemical Peel:When these chemicals are applied to the skin, it causes age spots to disappear while tissue appears less transparent.
Sclerotherapy:When a sclerosing solution is injected into unsightly veins. This chemical solution irritates the veins, causing them to turn white and gradually disappear.
Microdermabrasion:This is a superficial skin polishing procedure that involves sanding off the first layer of skin with tiny crystals.
Laser Skin Resurfacing:Through short bursts of laser light, unsightly veins and dark “age” spots are gently removed the skin.
Injectable fillers (Fat, Collagen, Restylane, etc.)– When these fillers are injected into the hands they can plump up the skin and give it a more youthful appearance