EMSCULPT Neo for fat burning and muscle building


The EMSCULPT Neo is a unique and first-of-its-kind device that is able to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. The EM-Sculpt, sculpts and shapes the body while keeping your skin from sagging.

It is an important option for people who are looking for agility and want to lose weight and get rid of fat without resorting to surgical liposuction, which takes a lot of time to recover. Unlike the EM-sculpt technique, which does not require a recovery period after the treatment session.

How EM-Sculpt Works?

The technology is based on combining radio wave ( RF ) technology with high intensity focused electromagnetic frequencies ( HIFEM ).

Radiofrequency ( RF ) raises temperatures in the muscles up to 4 minutes after treatment. The importance of raising temperatures lies in preparing the muscles for exposure to muscular exertion, which is called the warm-up process. It is similar to the process of heating muscles that we do before undergoing any sports activity. This process provides protection from muscle strain or contractions and muscle spasms.

Radio waves also directly affect the fatty layer under the skin, killing fat cells. This is done by heating water molecules in these cells, which leads to the evaporation of water molecules and the death of fat cells. The body then gradually gets rid of the damaged cells. EM-sculpt technology eliminates 30% of the fat under the skin.

High intensity electromagnetic waves ( HIFEM  ) stimulate muscles to contract intensely. This leads to an increase in the rate of growth of cells and muscle tissue, which contributes to the process of muscle growth and increases the size of the muscle mass by up to 25% of its original size.

EMSculpt sends pulses of muscle tissue that cause muscles to contract for the equivalent of 20,000 stomach squats that no one can do in 30 minutes voluntarily. These successive contractions provide a continuous process of muscle contraction that stimulates the blood pumping and nutrition necessary to build muscle tissue.

People who are candidates for treatment with EM-sculpt

  • People who are looking to sculpt and accentuate the abdominal muscles and get rid of the stubborn fat accumulated below the abdomen. EM-sculpt technology can reduce waist circumference by 4 cm.
  • EM-Sculpt technology is used as a non-surgical treatment to work on tightening the thighs and buttocks. The treatment gives you a harmonious bend with the lift you want.
  • It is used to increase the size of the muscles in the shoulder area, the ears and the legs as well as reduce the percentage of fat in different areas of the body.
  • It relieves urinary incontinence by stimulating and strengthening the muscles in the pelvic region, which contributes to strengthening the muscles and restoring neuromuscular control over the bladder.
  • Contributes to the treatment of gastric muscle detachment during pregnancy by up to 20%.

Number of treatment sessions and duration of each session

The number of treatment sessions varies from person to person depending on the area under treatment and the amount of fat accumulated under the skin that the patient wishes to get rid of. The patient usually needs 4 to 8 sessions with each session followed by 2 to 4 days for optimal results. The duration of the session is only 30 minutes to get the desired results.

When do results begin to show?

Results begin to appear two to four weeks after the treatment session. The results continue to improve for up to two months after the last session due to the body gradually getting rid of the damaged fat cells, as the cells and muscle tissue continue to build in the treated area.

How long will the results last? Is the patient returning for further sessions?

How long EMsculpt Neo results last depends on how active the person is and their lifestyle. The results last for a long time and may be permanent if a healthy lifestyle and commitment to exercise are allowed. This is to maintain muscle strength by using them.

In the event of irregular exercise, muscles will slowly start to fade as a result of not using them, and fat may accumulate as well. In this case, the patient may need to repeat the sessions after a period or conduct one session each year to maintain the results. It is worth mentioning that the number of sessions in this case is less than the number of sessions conducted in the initial treatment process. The number of sessions is determined based on the desired outcomes.

During your  treatment session

The patient feels a tolerable overheating. In addition to the continuous contraction in the muscles, which is very similar to intensive exercise with the difference of relaxation and rest during the treatment session.

Post session therapy

The patient gets a leaner body and a homogeneously sculpted body, and the muscle building process lasts for more than 6 months, through which the patient gets more prominent muscles when using EM Sculpt in the abdominal or buttock area, and doctors advise to do a healthy nutrition regulation and do some light exercise to maintain the results of treatment for as long as possible.

EM Sculpt sessions do not replace exercise, and treatment sessions can be used as a catalyst to start committing to exercise, as EM Sculpt sessions contribute to providing agility and lightness that facilitate the process of doing and committing to exercise and sports activities.

Advantages of EM-sculpt Treatment

  • EM-sculpt technology is the first and only of its kind to be FDA certified and certified.
  • EM-Sculpt burns fat and builds muscle at the same time.
  • EM Sculpt avoids many of the risks that can be faced when resorting to surgeries to get rid of fat and tighten the skin.
  • Works in many places in the body such as abdomen, shoulders, buttocks, arms, legs and more.
  • It is characterized by keeping the skin from sagging after the process of dissolving fat, as a result of the process of building muscle instead of these fats.
  • The patient can return to his daily activities after the treatment session normally and the patient does not need a recovery period.
  • The patient does not need to anesthetize the area under treatment, as the patient does not feel any discomfort during the treatment session.

Side Effects of EM Sculpting

The side effects in the EM Sculpt are zero compared to the results obtained by the patient. Side effects do not exceed the feeling of temporary muscle fatigue and the appearance of some signs of redness and swelling, which quickly disappear over time.

The patient can do sports activities on the same day after the treatment session.

People who are not candidates for treatment with EM-sculpt

  • People with obesity and high fat mass.
  • People who have metals or electronics implanted in the body such as a pacemaker and others.
  • Patients with muscle problems or a history of muscle problems.

Using EM Sculpt During Pregnancy

 EM-sculpt is not recommended for pregnant women to maintain the health of the fetus. The use of EM Sculpt leads to frequent contractions in the abdominal muscles, which can lead to a miscarriage of the fetus. Women can begin treatment 6 months after giving birth .EM-Sculpt technology can eliminate fat accumulated in the lower abdomen and excess weight resulting from pregnancy. In addition to its role in tightening the abdominal muscles and getting rid of sagging skin resulting from pregnancy and childbirth and refining the texture.

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